
Saturday, August 18, 2007

Chinese Boycott Update 1

This pic is the outcome of my shopping the past few days - including some new items I picked up off ebay...

Can you pic the "made in China" items? Honestly, this is harder than I anticipated - not only for the quantity of items made there, but also for the remembering to check before I buy. Yeah, guilty... Anyway...

1. Converse athletic shoes. Purchased at Kohls. Made in China. Discovered this tidbit before I actually bought them and considered "re-shopping",finally resigning myself to the idea that all the shoes were probably made in China... and Josh REALLY wanted them - what's a mom to do? Bought the shoes. Will try harder next time to check that before the children become too attached.

2. Sun hat for Reagan. Also made in China. I am blessed to have a daughter who refused to wear the hat. Will be returning the item to Target tomorrow...

3. Pink gift bag. Sigh. Made in China. This will also be returned to Target tomorrow. It was bought to hold a birthday gift this afternoon. I ended up using a different bag...

That's it. The remaining items were made in the USA, Guatelmala, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Indonesia and Pakistan. Interestingly enough, almost all the socks were made in the US...

Semi-success? 80% if the items I purchased were NOT made in China... and two-thirds of the Chinese-made items are being returned to the store. I feel pretty good about that...

While I have other issues with the sweat shops and such in the 3rd world countries, that is not my focus at this time - maybe later, but right now I am just trying to survive and find enough "non-China" items such that my family doesn't have to go naked and hungry...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

China @#$%

The latest toy recall has caused me to seriously consider boycotting all products made in China. Toothpaste, dog food, tires and toys....where does it end?

I realize this will not be easy. I am not totally convinced it can be done - at least not on my budget. But we'll see. Check back often. I will update my China-boycott saga...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

K is for Kindling

Kindling - the act of setting something on fire
firing, ignition, inflammation, lighting
burning, combustion - the act of burning something;

I received a phone call last weekend from my oldest. "Grandma's car is on fire!"
My heart skipped a beat - probably more than one...

"Is everyone OK" I asked.
"Yeah - but my BACKPACK!..."

Things can be replaced. People cannot. My mother-in-law's SUV is totalled, but most everything in it - including the people - made it out OK... I picked up the stranded motorists - it just so happens they weren't far from our house when it happened... and delivered them safely to Grandma's house...

The backpack? A weekend of soaking in OxyClean removed the smoke and the smell.

Sigh. Just a little kindling....

Friday, August 10, 2007

J is for Joshua

J is also for jealous... because he was jealous that Gillian got an alphabet post. Here's my nearly-teenager, my first-born, my only boy...

Josh will be starting Junior High in just a few short weeks. How the time has flown since he entered my life almost 13 years ago...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I is for Ice Cream

Ice Cream. Quite possibly my favorite food. I am very particular about my ice cream, however. Blue Bell ice cream is made in a little town Northwest of Houston. Brenham, Texas is home to this little ice cream company that is gradually spreading from its Texas-only roots into other states. In fact, just a few months ago a friend called me from her local grocery store to tell me she had found Blue Bell Ice Cream!

Homemade Vanilla... droool.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

H is for History

Today marks the 33rd anniversary of Richard Nixon's announcement that he was resigning the office of the President of the United States. This bit of trivia played across my radio as I was driving in to work today - to deliver to my boss my resignation. Oh, the irony.

My boss was sad - not upset, but totally and completely surprised. They were not expecting this. It is not a good time as our department is very busy and short-handed. He accepted my resignation and we reviewed the projects I was working on as to get a handle on which ones I would be able to complete before I leave for good in 2 weeks.

On a side note, I tweaked my blog so I now have 3 columns.... oh, the possibilities!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

G is for Grace

Grace is my daughter's middle name. I have always loved that name. When I found out I was having a little girl, I was beyond excited. I let my dear husband pick her first name, but I was insistent that her middle name be Grace. Most of the time I call her Grace, or Gracie. She prefers it that way...

I am also overwhelmed by the goodness of God's grace. He never ceases to amaze me. When I am least deserving and most needing, His grace is there. It is by His grace that I am saved, and for that I am eternally grateful.

F is for Flowers

I like flowers. Cut flowers. Wild flowers. Flowers in a vase. Flowers in a pot. I like flowers. I am also frugal (meaning really, really cheap, but frugal is an 'f' word) so I don't really like getting big bouquets of florist-flowers. The $5 bouquet at the grocery will do just fine. I like to cut the stems and place them in a pretty vase on my kitchen bar. They make me happy and brighten my kitchen for a week... until it is time to return to the grocery for more food... and for flowers.

I also like to take a drive through the Texas Hill Country in the spring when the wildflowers are all abloom. The sight of a hill of bluebonnets makes me swoon. All too soon they are gone, replaced by prairie grass in the stifling Texas heat. But they will be back again. Next spring. And I will get to enjoy their beauty once again.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

All caught up!

I have been trying to make one blog post a week - and I try to get some substance in there, but this 'ABC Challenge' or whatever it is called takes a lot of mental resources! We were out of town a few days and I already had to play 'catch-up'. With the job situation this week, I am not sure I will get around to a 'regular' post, but I will try to keep you all entertained with my 'alphabet' posts!

Ahhh. Relaxed and rejuvenated from vacation...
and a picture of my monkeys to share...

E is for Excited!

Excitement. "Extremely nervous" would work, too - that starts with "E". Yikes. Three days until I give notice at my old job... I am excited for what the future holds, but I am not one who is fond of change. Corey, are you out there? Certainly you can relate!

Yes, I am indeed excited. I know that God has big plans for me. I just need to remember to let go and let Him...

D is for Dog

D is for "dog" and every animal my dearest baby thinks is a dog. We just got back from a family vacation which included a trip to the San Antonio Zoo. Reagan pointed and gleefully exclaimed at every large animal exhibit "DOG!"

I hope I always remember how cute she is right now.

Friday, August 3, 2007

C is for Car Ride

Trekking across Texas with 3 kids in my small car makes for a BIG LONG CAR RIDE! Even with the DVD player and video games for the kids, the 200 miles doesn't pass quickly enough.

I must admit the ride there was rougher than the ride home... and the trip was totally worth it. We had lots of fun and the kids got to partake in LOTS of swimming... but I spent far too much time in my car the last few days. :)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

B is for Bare Legs

I am soooo tired of shaving my legs. I am also fortunate in that the older I get the less hair seems to grow there. What is there, however, is still prickly. Sigh.

We are headed out on vacation and I need to shave... ick. Red bumps invade my legs from the the torturous razor. Gillian sliced her finger open on it last summer when I inadvertently left my razor in the bathtub...WAKEUP CALL!

I decided to give a hair remover a try. I remember trying Nair back in college - it was very smelly and not very successful. I saw this today at Target and decided to try it.

OK, I am officially DONE with my razor. This works far better and is less messy. (And far less painful than that waxing experiment!) My legs are smooth and soft and without bumps...

A is for Anxiety

1. a. A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties.
b. A cause of anxiety: For some people, air travel is a real anxiety.
2. Psychiatry A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.
3. Eager, often agitated desire: my anxiety to make a good impression.

Next Wednesday, during my weekly project meeting with my supervisor, I will hand him my letter of resignation. This makes me anxious. I have worked for this company for over 13 years. All 3 of my children were born while I was an employee at this company.

I am anxious for my co-workers. We are already short staffed and the amount of work to be placed back into their hands is overwhelming. It is overwhelming to me, but when added to their already full plates, it will really be overwhelming. It makes me anxious.

Looking for a new job makes me anxious. I am leaving my old job without an offer for a new job. That makes me anxious.

I am also anxious at the thought of starting a new career - I am very excited, also, but today is "A" day so I will stick with anxious... gives me a good idea for "E" day though!

Glad tomorrow is another day - I am tired of being anxious....

Enormous Undertaking

I try to post once a week. I am honest about that. It usually happens. My friend Mary Ann is doing a "26 letters" challenge this month. Each day a post with a different alphabet letter...
She got the idea from Bella Dia

So... I am going to give this a try. We'll see.

It's an enormous undertaking at this point in my life - of all months... the one where I go out on blind faith and quit my job. Change careers. Wow. Scary. Enormous.

Maybe this will be just I need to keep myself grounded. We shall see.

By the way - I am posting 2 today, since I am a day late (ain't that the way it always is?)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Some insight into me...

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Looks like I am a polar opposite of my friend Shannon. Not suprising, really as we have much different views on life...and everything else. Cool that I can still call her a friend...