
Thursday, August 2, 2007

B is for Bare Legs

I am soooo tired of shaving my legs. I am also fortunate in that the older I get the less hair seems to grow there. What is there, however, is still prickly. Sigh.

We are headed out on vacation and I need to shave... ick. Red bumps invade my legs from the the torturous razor. Gillian sliced her finger open on it last summer when I inadvertently left my razor in the bathtub...WAKEUP CALL!

I decided to give a hair remover a try. I remember trying Nair back in college - it was very smelly and not very successful. I saw this today at Target and decided to try it.

OK, I am officially DONE with my razor. This works far better and is less messy. (And far less painful than that waxing experiment!) My legs are smooth and soft and without bumps...


Boricua in Texas said...

I had seen that and was intrigued, but lazy. So I have not tried it. I'm glad it worked for you. How long is the wait for it to work its magic?

Have fun on your vacation. We leave early tomorrow morning.

Mary Ann said...

What a creative post for the letter B. I know what you mean about razors. I HATE them too. I'll have to try this stuff out. Although, I think my bathing suit days are over until next summer. My stomach is huge!!!!

Laura said...

Ooooo, I'm so glad to know this! I haven't tried a hair removal system of this type since high school, but I've been intrigued by this type of thing recently...might have to give it a try!

Nichole said...

I was JUST sitting in the recliner scratching my legs thinking about how much shaving them bites ass. I get bumps too, and it drives me NUTS!! I may have to try this stuff!! I tried an electric razor, and while there are no bumps and less skin irritation, the hair grew back way too fast for my liking.

Corey~living and loving said...

Great idea! I'll have to look for that. I totally dislike shaving with a PASSION!

Amanda said...

Ingrid - it was less than 5 minutes!

My skin is so smooth and soft this morning... ahhhh....

Lori said...

Oooo, I'm always on the lookout for new ways to remove hair. I had just decided to do laser treatment as soon as I save up the money.